April 05, 2022

In collaboration with the Viceconsejería de Formación Profesional [Vice Council of Vocational Training] of the Basque Government, Viralgen has designed a Program of Specialization in the Industrial Production and Quality Control of Gene Therapy Drugs.

In 2020, Viralgen signed an agreement with three vocational training centers: Don Bosco, Easo Politeknikoa and Plaiaundi. These centers offer some of the higher-level vocational training students the opportunity of doing dual training with Viralgen during their second year—provided they perform well during their first year. This means that during their second year, they receive training both at their training center and at Viralgen.

This program differs from the dual training in that it consists of an additional third year at Viralgen focused on specializing in the production of Gene Therapy drugs.

This third year offers students two optional itineraries:

  • Production.
  • Quality Control.

The first group of this program graduated in 2020: eleven students who went through different departments and are currently in their specialization year.

The second group started in September 2021 with 28 students—more than double the previous amount. These young people are currently being trained in different areas—both in the clinical and commercial sections of Viralgen—and will then go on to the specialization phase.

In February 2022, the third student selection process began. This time a total of thirty students will receive specialized training in a Viralgen-led expanding industry.

Ane Tejera, who is currently a student of Viralgen's Program of Specialization in the Department of Biochemistry, shares her experience with us.

News & Events

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